Haven't been around in a while, i know. Things have happened and some, well let's just say did not go as i hoped. Things i knew so badly would work out but in the end, turns into a big fat awkward bubble in my head. Nothing more.
College is speeding up. And yes, im officially eighteen. Did not really celebrate it with a bang but me and my girls just drove around KL till sunrise. Well, not exactly but it was 2 hours to sunrise. The day before, i went to KL Vintage Festival. Bumped into an old flame, shopped averagely (found my galaxy top!) heard good music, had good food.

Vintage accessories

Some of the cool stuff I found there. And these are perfume bottles!
Anyways, my brother prepared a little something for me in the morning. Since writing birthday cards is the sort-of-tradition in the family, and my parents were in Thailand, he arranged all the cards and gifts on the breakfast table. He bought me a leopard printed briefcase bag by Guess. With his school pocket money. Brother, although it isn't the most obvious thing in the world but God knows how much i love you. Later that night, I went to dinner with some friends at the Curve and Shawn drove me back to college.It was the perfect ending to the start of a beautiful age.
Chic Pop 10 Bazaar was awesome. Saw my aunt and her friend, Stella of
Stellar Studios who opened a stall during the event.

I promised myself i wouldn't shop. But i couldn't help myself. I bought an acid washed maxi skirt from Thr5t and a vintage geometrical patterned collar top. That was it.
Danny's in Eqypt now, pursuing dentistry. Sending him off was not easy. I also promised myself I wouldn't act like a mother chimpanzee who just lost her baby but yeah, i did. May God be with you always, we miss you very dearly brother.

That's all for this time, there isn't anymore.