So for the past four months, my life has been.. fast paced. Essentially.
I finished my Obstetrics/Gynae and Paediatrics exams, officially entered my final year of med school (!), came home to Malaysia for (phase one) of my summer break- which consists of a 3 week hospital placement under Psychiatry, started a project I am completely siked about, and now on to phase two of my summer adventure: Scotland!!
Now Scotland has been a huge part of my summer plans. for the following reasons:
1. I've never been to this part of the UK
2. I've always wanted to visit Glasgow and Edinburgh
3. I enjoyed my Plastics Surgery rotation and I wanted more; so I applied for it and got a placement with a Plastics consultant in Glasgow Royal Infirmary!!
4. It works out well given phase 3 of my summer plans: *****drumroll****
READING FESTIVAL! *well this would've happened regardless.. but still hahaha
I've been in Glasgow now for almost a week, and it's been really chill. Which is exactly what I needed. Electives have been stress free- minus the 7 am wake up calls in the morning but I'm happy enough! I get to do what I want and I've never taken so many OOTDs in a long time!
These are little updates on our little tour trips over the weekend.
"Loch Lomond"
*The Highlands
*oh you know, just holding my camera up, hoping to casually catch the Loch Ness monster swimming about in this famous Loch (Scottish gaelic for lake)
So that's all for now, we've planned an exciting trip to Lake District this weekend I need to figure out how I'm gonna pack for a 3 day camping trip.